short keys

1.Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts F2: Edits cells Shift Space: Selects whole lines Ctrl Space: Selects whole columns Ctrl Plus: Insert cell Ctrl Minus: Delete cell Ctrl 1: Edits the cell format. 2.Keyboard shortcuts for internet browsers CTRL N: New window CTRL T: New tab CTRL Shift T: Reopen last closed tab CTRL Shift W: Close all open tabs, browser CTRL W: Close current tab CTRL Plus: Zoom in CTRL Minus: Zoom out CTRL 0: Resets zoom to default CTRL F: Find in page 3.Take a screenshot On Macs, CMD Shift 3 takes a photo of the entire screen, or you can press the Print Screen button on your Windows keyboard for PCs, and the screenshot can be pasted into any photo-editing software, like Paint or Photoshop. On Macs, CMD Shift 4 lets you use your mouse and select a portion of your screen to take a screenshot of. On the PC, you can use the Snipping Tool — a program in Windows — to select a specific area of your screen to take a screenshot. 4.Take advantage of Facebook's powerful search engine You can type in a person's phone number in the Facebook search bar to oftentimes see their name. This comes in handy for checking into the background of someone you're meeting up with to complete a Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace transaction. On Facebook, you can also type in extremely specific search queries to network. For instance, type "My friends of friends who live in San Francisco" to find mutual friends when you move to a new city. Or, you can find new concert buddies by typing in "My friends who like Name of Artist." You can even see who your friends of friends are at a company you're applying to by typing "My friends of friends who work at Google." 5.Use to easily share links to people Link shortener sites like are convenient and common, but there's an even better link shortener site that you probably haven't heard of. It's called ShoutKey. Other link shortener sites' URLS are case-sensitive and difficult to read on a whiteboard or PowerPoint presentation. Not to mention, they're practically impossible to say out loud. "Oh, just go to bit dot l y slash x g capital H r 2132." Short Key will randomly select a word to use that it places at the end of a link that's easily shareable and shout-able. 6.Clean out your inbox much faster If you're buried under thousands of emails in your Gmail inbox, we think you're going to love this search string. In the search bar, type the following, then press enter. in:inbox is:unread -category:promotions This will make it easy to delete a bunch of email from brands and stores that are trying to sell you something. Another bonus email tip that works for all email clients: Just make a filter for the word "unsubscribe" in your email. This will make it easy to unsubscribe to those pesky emails that never stop coming. If you're new to creating filters, here's how you can do it in 7.Clean out your inbox much faster If you're buried under thousands of emails in your Gmail inbox, we think you're going to love this search string. In the search bar, type the following, then press enter. in:inbox is:unread -category:promotions This will make it easy to delete a bunch of email from brands and stores that are trying to sell you something. Another bonus email tip that works for all email clients: Just make a filter for the word "unsubscribe" in your email. This will make it easy to unsubscribe to those pesky emails that never stop coming. If you're new to creating filters, here's how you can do it in gmail.

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