Computer tips

1.Using Cloud Backup It is a good practice to back up your important files. Apart from you using local backup, using cloud backup can help you a lot and can also save you a lot of stress. One good reason why I like cloud backups is that the backup will be going underground even without you noticing it at times. There many sites offering this service. Two of the popular ones are Dropbox and Google Drive. 2.Computer Trick to Rotate Your Screen. This trick usually freaks people out. It is an amazing trick that I like doing. You can use it to turn your screen upside down. Hold Ctrl + Alt + the arrow keys Use it to freak you friends out. 3.Computer Trick to Rotate Your Screen. This trick usually freaks people out. It is an amazing trick that I like doing. You can use it to turn your screen upside down. Hold Ctrl + Alt + the arrow keys Use it to freak you friends out 4.Lock your pc without moving mouse in second Use the Windows Key plus L key. This is useful when you don’t want someone to see what you are doing and the person suddenly enters the room. Just use the trick and voila your screen is locked. Please don’t use your computer for bad things there are a lot of good ways of using it. More on that later. Mac users can use this trick by holding command + Option + Power. You can replace Power with Eject if you like. 5.How to Rename a File Quickly? Most people rename a file by right clicking and selecting rename. That is a bit slow. Just select the file and press F2. 6.How to minimize all programs Do you have a lot of programs running and you want to minimize all go to the desktop but you don’t want to be clicking around minimizing all of them one after the other? It can be a pain in the ass if the programs are many, I know that. Use Windows Key + D to minimize all the whole programs at once. You can also use Windows Key + M but the difference is that Windows D maximize the programs again if you press it twice. Windows M will only minimize all the programs but cannot maximize them back.

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